Friday, March 14, 2025

Visit of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon, 2012

Visit of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon has taken place on 12 June 2012 года to open a range of industrial enterprises and objects in Sughd region devoted to 15th anniversary of National Unity of Tajikistan and personal acquaintance with the development process of social life. One of the mentioned industrial enterprises in Chkalovsk Sughd region is LLC “Elegant”, which is considered the leading entity among enterprises engaged in processing of natural stones. The President of the country E. Rahmon during his conversation with the management, specialists and workers of the enterprise, mentioned that natural stones of Tajikistan are recognized as national wealth and commissioned the authorized persons to increase extraction, processing and items of this natural recourse, as well as to arrange the export of natural stones. The result of the company’s activity relating extraction, processing and production of construction and ornamental materials is a good example of development in this area.

This enterprise provides 130 workers and specialists, part of whom are local women and girls with permanent work. They make masterpieces in a perfect way using natural stones; mainly they include vases, diminutive souvenir fountains and cascades.

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