Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Company Information


Brief description of the Company

The constitutor and CEO of Limited Liability Company “Elegant” is Muminov Abdulahad Abdurahmonovich, the citizen of the Republic of Tajikistan, born in March 5, 1965 in Moscow district of Kulyab region; he has been living in Chkalovsk town, Sughd region since the year 2000.

He obtained higher pedagogical education and the Certificate of Columbia University of International Consulting and Business Training, Missouri, the USA.

Limited Liability Company “Elegant” has been running its activities in the market of Tajikistan since 2000. Company is engaged in export and import of consumer goods, construction and repair of public buildings, social and private projects, extraction and processing of ornamental stones, production of construction materials.

To develop the economy and production the Company closely cooperates with scientific organizations and implements high technologies in its manufacturing.

In addition, the enterprise runs charitable activity; one can see the results of our staff’s work in each corner of Chkalovsk town and beyond it.

Company delivers export and import transactions in the sphere of consumer goods, it keeps strong multisided ties with foreign partners from Russia, Ukraine, China, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan with the following companies: CJSC “Evraz ZSMK”, OJSC “MMK”, OJSC “CMK”, LLC “Technonicole”, LLP “Sastobe Technoologies”, JSC “KZACI”, LLP “SZACI”, LLP “Kant TShP», Hinjeng “Boi-Do-Si” (China), LLC “Bair-pack», OJSC “MMK-Metiz”, LLC “Kombinat Volna”, OJSC “Trade House TMK”, OJSC “Bashkirskaya Sodovaya Companiya”, LLC “SibTorg”, CJSC “MPK KRZ”, LLC “UZPS”, JSC “ArselorMetal Temirtau”, LLC “Pervaya Lesopromyshlennaya Companiya”, OJSC “Severstal”, LLC “Isolation and Roofing”, LLC “Beloretskiy Metallurgicheskiy Combinat”, LLC “Wubridge Trade Invest”. Goods turnover with these companies comprised tens of million somoni, hundreds of tons of the consumer goods had been imported to Tajikistan.

The Company exported various products (fresh and dried fruits, tinned food, etc.) to the enterprises of Russian Federation: in Rostov-on-Don to LLC “ANFO”, LLC “Isfara”. Moscow: PI Tursunov, LLC “Green-Stone” and Pavlodar of the Republic of Kazakhstan; the convertible currency amounting to hundreds of million somoni had been deposited to the budget of the Republic.

In the field of construction: Starting from the year 2007 the Company participated in construction of several projects of state sector, as well as some of the private sector, like: frontier military unit in Chorkuh village of Isfara district, frontier military unit in Rosrovut village of Ganchi district, military unit of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic in Bulak village of Asht district. Training center for training and preparing of Sughd regional garrison in Chorukh-Dayron settlement had undergone repairs, where in 2010 joint maneuvers of member states of the Collective Security Treaty Organization “Rubezh-2010” and in 2012 maneuvers of military subunits of the member states of Shanghai Cooperation Organization have taken place; repair of the health centers in the hospitals of Kamishkurgan and Gulshan villages of Asht district, repair of secondary school in Chorukh-Dayron, hospital in Zafarabad district, repair and reconstruction of military units of Sughd regional garrison and many other activities.

In the sphere of extraction and production:

The Company obtained certificate for the use of 9,48 hectares of land in Asht district in site called “Dolona” for extraction of tuff, as well as the Resolution of Government of the Republic of Tajikistan dated 27 July 2010 was issued about authorization for extraction and processing of tuff from “Obodi” deposit of Asht district.

In 2010 the Company organized construction of production shops to produce ornamental stone extracted from the mentioned deposits; about 40 items of equipment had been installed for stone processing, labor personnel and specialists were trained for the short term.

Currently the Company has the opportunity and facility to produce over 85 thousand sq.m of ornamental stone per annum.

In June 2012 the President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon during his working trip to Sughd region got acquainted with the process of stone extraction and production, as well as with our labor activity and our prospects. He congratulated the staff upon the achievements and set us the task to ensure complete use of natural resources of the Republic, to arrange new vacancies, to adopt high technologies in the field of researching the production stones.

The Company has the certificate for the use of 9,50 hectares of land in Spitamen district of Sughd region for extraction and processing of gravel and sand.

The Company has also the certificate for the use of 1,34 hectares of land in north-east of Chkalovsk town Sughd region, where the production plant, workshops for production of ornamental stone, production of basalt fiber, auxiliary processes, canteen, rooms for the rest of the workers, personal service rooms, sports grounds and back offices are located.

In 2013 the Company started construction of new shop for production of basalt fiber on own account and successfully completed the construction.

In August 20, 2014 the President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon during his working trip to Sughd region made the start-up of new production of basalt fiber and set the task to ensure further development of the use of basalt made products, namely producing of products necessary for development of national economy of the Republic to reduce the import and increase the export of the products, to arrange high technology working places, to keep close cooperation with higher schools to prepare own personnel, to adopt scientific achievements in production.

LLC “Elegant” is an active participant of improvement activities in Chkalovsk town; sidewalks and recreation places near the fountains had been improved, for which the Company used 1500 sq.m of ornamental stone. In addition, the Company reconstructed and repaired duty station of Chkalovsk Internal Affairs Department, as well as the department of the Ministry of Security in Chkalovsk. The Company constantly renders gratis aid to the Nursing home of Chkalovsk. To provide its own energy base the Company constructed transmission line from electric substation of GRES-17 of Chkalovsk at the distance of 2.5 km, for which over 500 thousand somoni from own funds had been spent. This transmission line provides President School, hostel, the hostel for the teachers of the mentioned school with electric power; besides, water is taken from artesian well at a depth of 130 meters, for which the Company spent 150 thousand somoni.

The Company provides itself with permanent electric power and water for regular vital activity.

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