Muminov A.A., Chief Executive Officer

Autobiography of Muminov A.A., Chief Executive Officer of CJSC “Elegant”

Abdulahad Muminov is the founder and Chief Executive Officer of CJSC “Elegant”, born in 1965 and grown up in Moscow district of Kulyab region. Thefatherofsixchildren. Obtained higher pedagogical education and the Certificate of Columbia University of International Consulting and Business Training (Missouri, the USA). The enterprise managed by him has an active participation in social life of the community. CJSC “Elegant” financed landscape gardening and improvement of the territories, equipping of play areas for kids and recreation places for the workers and for inhabitants, every year the enterprise renders charitable aid to the Nursing Home of Chkalovsk town. 

CJSC “Elegant” engages in construction of social units using the construction material from its owned quarry and own production, which are considered natural products. One of them is tuff extracted from the Company’s owned quarry; the other workshop produces basalt fiber, which is widely used in construction as a heat-noise-energy saving material and extensively applied throughout the world.

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